493 2017.06.09
本期電子報 » 職缺公告





  1. 雲端應用伺服器Order Fulfillment業務專員/管理師
  1. Responsible for order fulfillment and shipping arrangement with priority orientation
  2. Align build/shipping plan to coordinate factory build activities, including material and other related CRD checking
  3. Weekly meeting with customers and deliver order status through CTB report
  4. AP/AR management, provide monthly billing plan
  5. Issue tracking and follow up to close
  1. 雲端應用伺服器產品專案管理主管/專員/工程師
  1. Project management for server/storage products
  2. Lead project team to deliver the product in time with good quality and in scope
  3. Work as the coordinator among engineering, manufacturing, and customers
  1. 雲端應用伺服器ODM/OEM業務
    1. NPI sales

    A. RFQ and NPI cost/quotation and business T&C management

  B. Work with PM and RD for commercial associated activities

  C. Customer initiatives

    1. Sustaining sales

A. Post-MP cost/quotation management

B. Work with cross-functional teams for commercial associated activities of post-MP programs

C. Customer initiatives

  1. 筆記型電腦產品專案管理專員/主管
    1. Project Manager
    2. Management project schedule/plan and risk from project early stage (around kick-off) to RAMP (include mass production)
    3. Communication with customer teams, RD teams and production teams
  2. 筆記型電腦業務專員/管理師(Cost Management)
    1. Review Production cost.
    2. Material attrition/scrap cost.
    3. Fixture cost.
    4. IT system development.
    5. File cost claims to customer and drive payments.
  3. 客戶業務 Account Manager
    1. 新產品試產報價
    2. 現有產品報價
    3. 設計變更及重工等報價
    4. 生產製具報價,購買及準備、協調, 追踪交期
    5. 與關務合作清關費報價
    6. 新產品試產及現有產品工廠生產準備產能跟摧及協調
    7. 追踪客戶貨款及庫存管理
    8. 追踪工程及製造品質問題與改善及相關客戶或廠商責任及款項
  4. 業務Account Manager
    1. Account Management
    2. Manage project from NPI to EOL
    3. Work with engineers, procurement, and vendors for RFQ response
    4. BOM, NRE and production cost review and management
    5. Cost analysis and quotation management in NPI/MP stage


1. 請備妥個人簡歷、自傳、語文測驗成績或其他相關資料

2. 將所有申請資料,統整為一個PDF檔後上傳政大商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 http://career2016.cnccu.tw/vacancy


整合式行銷傳播 世紀奧美公關徵求長期工讀生
104人力銀行 招募顧客價值經營處暑期實習生
台積電TSMC 徵求Accounting Associate
2017 學生實習 E-commerce Intern
【2017 味全學生新品開發擂台 現正報名中】
政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


