495 2017.09.22
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【來去香港工作~】香港利豐集團 2018 PMD 徵才訊息

We look for young, talented and driven high achievers to join The Program for Management Development (PMD), where they could learn about our business and help shape the future with us. The program comprises three tracks. The separate tracks enable successful applicants to focus on the business / function that they are truly passionate about and develop specialized skills:

✔The Trading Track offers career opportunities in our global trading and logistics businesses in the Trading Group.
✔The Brand and Retail Track offers career opportunities in our brand business in the US, Europe and Asia, as well as our retail business in Asia.
✔The Operations Support Group (OSG) Track offers career opportunities in Human Resources / Information Technology Services / Finance and Accounting across the Group.

We accept applications from 1 September to 31 October 2017. Successful candidates are expected to join the program in July 2018.

Interested candidates will need to submit online application at www.funggroup-PMDApplication.com. 
To find out more about PMD, please visit www.funggroup-PMD.com.

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