496 2017.09.29
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【HP應屆畢業生招募】Graduate Hire- Quality Project Specialist, Technical Advisory Writer

惠普(HP Inc.) 是世界一流的個人系統(NB/Desktop/Workstation)暨印表機(Printer)公司。多年來我們看重台灣在科技領域的實力,以台灣為重要的研發與採購中心,更進一步培養新一代台灣科技人才,讓年輕學子與國際接軌,在HP與世界各地一流的工程師及供應鏈管理員工們相互交流,一起為下個世代的創新科技努力。

目前台灣研發中心正在招募一位應屆畢業的專案品質管理人才, 職位描述如下, 歡迎有興趣的商管科系或資訊管理相關科系畢業人才應徵.

應徵方法: 將英文履歷email至以下電子信箱: Winnie.hsu@hp.com 謝謝。

This position is responsible for drafting, reviewing, editing, validating and publishing product support content which is often highly technical and under a short deadline. This position is also responsible for developing strong internal and external relationships, helping drive preventive actions to improve future product quality, and driving continuous process and procedural improvements that help us work more efficiently and effectively. Prior experience in PC-based hardware and support-oriented technical writing is strongly preferred.

Graduate Hire- Quality Project Specialist, Technical Advisory Writing

The position deliverables include, but are not limited to:
Managing queues for product advisory requests
Drafting, managing reviews for, finalizing and publishing product advisories
Developing and maintaining strong relationships with regional product advisory contacts to ensure efficiency and to help drive ongoing operational improvements
Reporting and escalating issues with systems related to advisories (e.g. iMPACT, Concentra)
Participate in routine and ad hoc meetings pertaining to advisories and related customer communications
Promote quality and TCE (Total Customer Experience) improvements in all work related activities

Education and Experience Required:
Must already graduated from highest degree within 12 months (Military service period could be deducted).
Understand software and hardware technology area concepts and develops working knowledge of products/processes, applications and systems in assigned area of responsibility such as authoring tools and source management.
Ability to operate in multiple disciplines (multi-platform products).
Excellent verbal and writing skill in English with proper grammar use

Knowledge and Skills:
Existing product within a technology, or new product within a technology with supervision.
Knowledge in PC-based hardware and support-oriented technical writing is strongly preferred.

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