513 2018.03.16
本期電子報 » 本期焦點

【政大商學院|徵才說明會】Morgan Stanley Taiwan 2018 Campus Presentation

【政大商學院|徵才說明會】Morgan Stanley Taiwan 2018 Campus Presentation

Morgan Stanley believes capital has the power to create positive change in the world. The biggest and most impactful changes come from people like you. If you come to Morgan Stanley, what will you create?


We would like to invite NCCU students from any degree discipline and graduating in December 2018 - July 2019 to hear how you can put your talent and ambition to work and be part of a team that creates positive change.

During the session you will learn more about Morgan Stanley, our 2018 Off-cycle Internship Programs, recruitment process and to meet our business representatives.


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