Derma Angel(護妍天使)是我們在2016年成立的新品牌,市場放眼亞洲,陸續更積極開發此品牌下的新產品。相信從無到有可能是一個披荊斬棘、高度挑戰的過程,所以,此職缺需對皮膚護理市場有極高敏感度,且PM在產品開發流程中扮演重要的溝通角色,因此,需要極佳的溝通、協調及問題解決能力,當然,更重要的是要具備對品牌的熱誠及對目標使命必達的決心、毅力,如對此職缺有極高的企圖心及意願,歡迎投遞履歷,工作內容說明如下:
l Responsible for ensuring the delivery of the product development and to ensure the plan is in alignment with regional strategy.
- including but not limited to, market trend observation, consumer analysis, competitor reviews, product specification planning and development, schedule and cost management, and formula survey and vendor management.
l Responsibilities for resource , risk, and portfolio,
l Drives cross-functional and cross-geographical alignment to strategic plans and goals.
l Works in close partnership with key team members to achieve project milestones within time, cost, and quality
l Support sales as the product expert, provide product training and support to enhance effective selling.
l Manage issues and utilizes content knowledge and problem solving skills to bring forward option for resolution.
l 懂得操作自營商城後台以及與電商平台PM對接活動等事務
l 商品單品及銷售組合上架規劃及價格策略訂定
l 擬定各電商平台經營方向策略,並規劃相應的促銷及行銷活動
l 基本的圖片編輯能力(圖片設計、排版)
l 處理訂單及出貨流程
l 電商平台銷售成果數據分析及競品分析
l 開發新的電商平台
l 具APP及電商行銷營運經驗至少2年以上
l 熟習簡報技巧、繪圖軟體操作、數據分析、社群媒體操作