544 2019.03.29
本期電子報 » 活動預告

【04/01】政大統計系學術演講:Modeling Strategies for Spatial Data from a Prediction Perspective

主講人:楊洪鼎博士 (彰化師範大學統計資訊研究所)
題   目:Modeling Strategies for Spatial Data from a Prediction Perspective
時   間:民國108年4月1日 (星期一) 下午1:30  
地   點:國立政治大學逸仙樓050101教室

摘   要:

          To precisely predict spatial variables of interest, geostatistical regression models are widely used, where the response variable is modeled as a combination of a fixed effect term and a spatial random process. Based on geostatistical regression models, I will introduce some modeling procedures from a prediction point of view, where various procedures have different objectives under different data features. For each proposed methodology, the validity is justified both theoretically and numerically. Finally, some of my current researches will also be mentioned.


Keywords: Geostatistical regression, Matérn covariogram, model average, parameter estimation, spatial prediction.

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