550 2019.05.17
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【05月24日截止】Schroders施羅德投信 2019 Internship Programmes,多項實習部門歡迎同學踴躍申請!

Schroders Values

  1. Excellence:We want to excel at what we do. We continually strive to do better.
  2. Innovation:We challenge how things are done and anticipate future opportunities.
  3. Teamwork:We work as one team for our clients. We value the contribution of individuals and encourage healthy debate.
  4. Passion:We share a deep-rooted enthusiasm for what we do. We demonstrate this through the dedication and energy we bring to servicing our clients.
  5. Integrity:We build strong relationships based on trust and confidentiality.

Who we're looking for

All applicants must be ambitious, resilient and energetic. You'll need to show us you're a self-starter with ambition and a willingness to get involved.

  • 實習部門:
    1. Investment Management_Multi-Asset
    2. Distribution Sales
    3. Product & Marketing departments
  • 需求人數:各部門1名,共3名
  • 工作內容、職缺需求:詳圖示或職涯發展媒合平台
  • 工作地點:Schroders 施羅德台北辦公室(台北市信義區信義路5 段108 號9 樓)
  • 薪資福利:
  • 申請資料:
    1. 基本資料,含自我介紹,申請動機
    2. 相關投信投顧證照,或高級業務員及相關法規(針對上述指定部門)
    3. 檢附托福,多益,或英檢等英文能力證明文件者優先
  • 申請方式:請將履歷及欲檢附資料直接由政大職涯發展媒合平台上傳 http://career.cnccu.tw/company/view/62
  • 實習期間:2019年7月- 2020年6月
  • 收件截止日:2019年05月24日
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政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


