555 2019.09.13
本期電子報 » 活動預告

【10月05日】NCCU IMBA Career Talks -Think Big, Go Bigger! - My Chinese Experience

< NCCU IMBA Career Talks >

Think Big, Go Bigger! - My Chinese Experience


- Employment Status & Job Market in China & Shanghai

- IMBA Alumni Connections in Shanghai

- Career advice to young IMBAers


Date : 2019.10.05 Saturday

Time :

18:00 – 18:30 Reception

18:30 – 20:00 Speech & Networking


Speaker : Mr. George Kao

AP Senior Manager, Sales Coaching,

Siemens PLM Software


Venue : Room 201, Yi Xian Building, NCCU

No.64, Sec.2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei


Fees:FREE admission

Organizer:IMBA program, NCCU

◎  Light meals are served, please reserve your seat as space is limited!
◎  Welcome to invite your friends to join us and be inspired!!
◎  A photographer will be present at the event and the photos may be displayed on our website and in printed and electronic publications.

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