569 2019.12.27
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【01月31日截止】2020 麥肯錫研究部門實習生申請中


。公司簡介:麥肯錫(McKinsey & Company)為全球知名管理顧問公司,致力於提供資深經理人解決問題方案,客戶群包括各大企業、政府和機構。公司的營運重點是為就客户所關注的管理問題提供諮詢,特别是為企業量身設計、制定相配套的一體化解决方案,包括戰略開發,經營運作及組織結構改造。主要為提供公私部門的高階管理層級人士所面臨的各種抉擇提供全面的建議,並預測今後發展中可能出現的新問題和各種機會,制定即時且務實的對策。總而言之就是要幫助客户在其業務上作出積極的、持久的以及實質性的改進等工作。



。需求人數:3 - 4人

。實習期間:June 2020 - June 2021, 2 - 3 days/week

。申請資格:政大商學院不限科系之大三升大四/ 大四升研一學生,雙主修、輔系與商學院各學程所屬同學亦可


  1. Provide research support to Research and Analytics department teams, including database maintenance, weekly newsletters, and library publication filing

  2. Articulate, scope, and prioritize research needs, and identify and gather relevant company, industry, and economic information using a broad spectrum of appropriate sources

  3. Deliver synthesis, insight, and practical implications within tight deadlines, via end products in the form of single exhibits, written summaries, basic fact packs, and spreadsheets


  1. Native Mandarin speaker with excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Mandarin

  2. Third year of colleague student (future senior)/ fourth year of colleague student (future first year graduates) 大三升大四/大四升研一 who can work in Taipei for 1 consecutive year (June 2020- June 2021)

  3. Comprehensive computer skills including database searching, power point, word processing, spreadsheet analysis and online research (TEJ and data scraping tool is a plus)

  4. Good people skills, team orientation, and professional

  5. One-year commitment to the internship and fine with flexible time arrangement



  1. 勞健保/勞退

  2. 時薪制優於基本工資





【12月31日截止】萬事達卡Mastercard Data & Services - Associate Consultant徵才中!
【12月31截止】P&G 2020校園徵才計畫
【01月31日截止】美商弗洛斯特和沙利文(Frost & Sullivan)實習申請中!
政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


