職務名稱:歐洲區創意行銷實習計畫 EMEA Creative Marketing Intern
CYP/// Marketing Interm Program: Creative Marketer
*In collaboration with the UK & TW Marketing team- Improve the brand image and develop visibility in Europe (You will get to work with our colleagues from the UK which will help improve your English presentation skills and understand the UK workplace culture. If you aim to work abroad in the future, this is really a chance that you would not want to miss.)
*Brand digital execution - Assist with the creation of Social Media content development and account management (Through this process, you will be able to understand how a marketer utilizes social media platforms to promote a brand and reinforce its reputation.)
*Create and implement Social Media Marketing campaigns across social media platforms (You will be granted the chance to create some marketing campaigns on your own and get the access to the real-time data and analysis.)
1. 強化英文簡報能力
2. 體驗不同國家的職場文化
3. 品牌內容創意發想
4. 將創意化為實際的行銷策略與活動
5. 真實操作社群媒體行銷工作
6. 利用社群媒體後台數據進行行銷活動效益分析
*Currently pursuing Bachelor (in the 3rd or 4th year) or Master Degree
1. 與英國子公司團隊共事,幫助提升品牌在歐洲的形象與品牌能見度。
2. 網站、社群平台文案撰寫與管理。
3. 行銷活動發想與執行。
5. 進行競爭者分析以及市場調查。
1. 有社群經營、文案撰寫經驗者佳
2. 熟悉Microsoft Office 系列軟體操作
3. IELT6.5 , TOFEL 90 , 或TOEIC 800以上
【加分條件】會使用Photoshop, AI 或 AE軟體