614 2021.10.01
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【12月31日截止】Guy Carpenter 美商佳達再保險經紀人股份有限公司台灣分公司徵才!


  • 職務名稱:Catastrophe Modeler
  • 詳細職務說明:https://bit.ly/3jR84mI
  • 申請資格:BA/BS in Insurance & Risk Management, Engineering, information technology, Computing or other quantitative focused disciplines
  • 工作內容:
  1. Gather and prepare properly exposure data for assigned client projects
  2. Assess exposure data quality and make necessary assumptions for modelling; analyse changes in exposure and the associated impact of cat model results
  3. Model the probability distributions of the gross/ceded/net results using AIR, RMS and other vendor cat models
  4. Analyse how the distribution of results and relevant risk measures change as a result of application of various proposed reinsurance alternatives; report on analysis to brokers and clients
  5. Identify significant considerations that insurers should address in designing their reinsurance programs
  6. Perform other job-related duties as assigned


Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. If you are interested in this offer, please send your CV to Mr. Thomas Tsai: thomas.tsai@guycarp.com, and we will come back to you shortly if your application has been considered.

  • 收件截止日:2021年12月31日截止


About Guy Carpenter

Our company, Guy Carpenter, is looking for a person, who is of interest to work for the reinsurance sector, to join our team in assisting our business expansion in Taiwan.
Guy Carpenter is a member of Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC: revenue US $17B/ 75,000 employees world-wide) and the leading reinsurance broker in the world.
MMC is listed in New York Stock Exchange and ranked #212 on the 2018 Fortune 500 companies.
Guy Carpenter provides many aspects of reinsurance services, including catastrophe modeling and actuarial analysis, and exploring reinsurance solutions for clients in protecting their business portfolios. Our clients in Taiwan are those who need reinsurance protections, including most of the domestic non-life insurers, Central Re, and Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund.

  • Please visit the following website for the greater details of Guy Carpenter Official Website: http://www.guycarp.com/
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