616 2021.10.15
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【額滿為止】Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd-Strategic Investments實習招募中!


What we can offer

- Hands-on investment analysis (directly involved in the investment process for both domestic and overseas companies)

- Mentoring (3 full-time investment managers from diversified background including investment banking and private equity)

- Networking (internally with different BUs or externally with our portfolio companies)


What you can get

- Empirical investment analysis

- Corporate strategy know-how 

- Strong value-add to your CVs


Job Description:

  • Lead investment due diligence, deal execution, as well as post-deal portfolio management
  • In collaboration with various operating groups in Taiwan Mobile, facilitate the formulation and development of TWM’s strategy
  • Active involvement in various strategic projects at Taiwan Mobile

▌申請方式:履歷隨到隨審!歡迎把握機會將申請CV上傳商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 https://bit.ly/3AHQ2sE


【額滿為止】Uber Eats 實習生招募中!
【額滿為止】UG Investment -Trader
【額滿為止】Taiwan Ratings 中華信用評等-Research Assistant徵才
【額滿為止】Ernst & Young 安永聯合會計師事務所-安永諮詢服務正職、實習熱烈招聘中
【10月20日截止】復華投信 2022 Internship Program
【10月28日截止】蝦皮儲備幹部計劃(Global Leaders Program)正式開放投遞
【10月31日截止】TSMC台積電預辦登積計畫-2022 預聘暨研發替代役徵才!
【12月31日截止】Guy Carpenter 美商佳達再保險經紀人股份有限公司台灣分公司徵才!
【11月07日截止】中華開發金控 2022 MA Program正式起跑!
【11月21日截止】2022 Citi TTS Summer Internship
【11月21日截止】2022花旗銀行暑期實習&儲備主管計畫(Citi Campus Programs) 
政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


