631 2022.03.25
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【額滿為止】上緯新能源實習生計畫正式開跑(Full-time Internship program)

Hi 各位畢業生/準備業生們,你對最近相當熱門的再生能源產業感興趣嗎?想進入離岸風電產業卻沒有找到心儀的實習機會嗎?如果以上兩點讓你感同身受的話,實習的機會終於來啦!

上緯新能源(SRE)是於本土起家的台灣離岸風電開發商,目前致力於成為亞洲再生能源市場的領頭羊。SRE過去甚少能有招收剛畢業或即將畢業的大學學生機會。而現在,我們將逐步開放一系列的Internship program,將綠色能源的風,吹進各大學校園中。透過實習,你/妳將會在國際化的英文環境中快速學習成長,一點一滴地更加了解離岸風電這個產業。




【職缺名稱】Commercial Coordinator (6 months program for Fresh Graduate)

【薪資】 實習薪資:NTD$180/hr (符合勞基法規定),實習生將配有個人筆電


• Support the commercial director with assigned duties.

• Assist the procurement and commercial functions.

• Prepare project and departmental documentation, forms, procedures and templates.

• Support the review of contracts to ensure compliance with all laws, regulations, company policies and procedures.

• Support contract managers with contract administration duties.

• Support estimating and risk assessment activities.

• Support budgeting, cost control and insurance activities.

• Assist with preparation of data, drafting reports and compiling presentations.

• Other commercial administration work, as required.



• Educated to degree level in commercial management, engineering, quantity surveying.

• Good IT skills, strong with MS Office suite, particularly MS Excel.

• Possesses a good attention to detail, organizational skills and the ability to multi-task.

• Capable of professionally managing confidential information.

• A positive mind-set with strong self-motivation and resilience, a flexible and proactive approach to creatively tackling problems.

• Possession of excellent numeracy skills.

• Possession of excellent written and oral communication skills.

• A strong command of English is a prerequisite for the role.

【工作地點】 台北市信義區信義路五段108號10樓,離101捷運站約5分鐘距離


09:00 - 18:00(午休一小時)

此職缺為Full-time Intern,需一周五天上班



1. 五星級零食飲料咖啡吧,免費零食牛奶任你取用

2. 擁有個人升降桌,可依工作狀態調整高度

3. 寬敞的遊戲室,上班累了可以玩飛鏢機、打桌球紓壓一下!

4. 不定時聚餐跟各節日禮物




or 將履歷寄至jerry.kuo@swancor-renewable.com,主旨請標明

「SRE Commercial Coordinator Internship program_姓名」並附上中英文履歷

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政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


