648 2022.11.04
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【11月11日截止】施羅德投信-Human Resources Intern

職務名稱:Human Resources

申請方式:欲投遞職缺,請於11/11前將CV email至Emily.Lee@Schroders.com


|Department Description |
People make this company. So it goes without saying that the Human Resources (HR) team does a critical job. Not only does it source the talent that makes Schroders the business it is, but it’s also responsible for key areas like training and development and employee benefits - putting together the vital ingredients that make Schroders an attractive place to work.
HR is also responsible for putting in place the policies that are shaping our futures. These include, for example, policies around diversity, equality and employee performance. And importantly, HR is a place where you can discuss your aspirations, frustrations or concerns in total confidence.

|Purpose of your role |
The position will work closely with HR team for the range of HR policies and practices, employee wellbeing, Diversity and Inclusion, training promotion and recruitment logistics.

>>> Key Responsibilities <<<

  • Support the regulation and company policy requirement implementation
  • Support Employee wellbeing projects such as D&I research and implementation, and employee opinion survey analysis and presentation
  • Company e-learning promotion and training activities support.
  • Support recruitment activates and employee experience program throughout different career life stage.
  • Other adhoc projects such as Job description and HR homepage annual review.

>>> Experience and Qualifications Required <<<
☑ Major in Human Resources, Labor Relations, Psychologies, Business Administration, etc.
☑ Excellent Speaking/Reading/Writing skills in English
☑ Expert skills in Microsoft Office applications, specifically Word, PowerPoint & Excel.
☑ Passion in Human Resources and willingness to handle multi-tasks.

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