511 2018.03.02
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

Goldman Sachs Spring Events for NCCU Students

for our Taipei events to learn more about 2019 Summer Internship opportunities at Goldman Sachs!

Asia 2019 Summer Analyst Firmwide

Time: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Date: Wednesday, 14 March, 2018

Location: Goldman Sachs Taipei Office, Room 11A

(Taipei Metro Tower, 207 Tun Hwa South Road)

Audience: 2020 graduates interested in Summer Internship opportunities

Learn about our recruitment process our internship program and our culture. Hear from a range of professionals across different divisions to explore our opportunities and find your best fit at Goldman Sachs.  

Women’s Event:Building Your Personal Brand

Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Date: Thursday, 15 March, 2018

Location: Goldman Sachs Taipei Office, Room 11A

(Taipei Metro Tower, 207 Tun Hwa South Road)

Audience: Women graduating in 2020 of all majors are encouraged to attend

Get tips and tricks to build your personal brand

through this interactive workshop on the art of

branding and self-promotion.


As space is limited, this event is by invitation only.

Please register through the steps below by 8 March:

1. Go to My GS Events portal

2. Select “Register for Events”

3. Choose Taiwan for country and filter

4. Select “Taiwan 2019 Summer Analyst Firmwide Information Session” and/or “Taiwan Women's Event: Building Your Personal Brand"

5. Select “Back to dashboard” and ensure you complete any outstanding tasks in your event inbox.

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Hear professionals across the firm talk about what they do, who they are, and what it’s like to work at Goldman Sachs.

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