【記者江則臻/國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程】配合九一校慶月活動,商學院國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA)5月4日第一次將Multicultural café與校友回娘家結合,不只利用Multicultural café讓各國學生大展身手,介紹自己準備的家鄉菜,並且邀請校友一起回來與在校生同歡。
Multicultural café為IMBA每年的重要活動,由IMBA學生會主辦,邀請所有IMBA學生準備各自的家鄉菜與才藝表演,包括越南、土耳其、宏都拉斯、貝里斯等等異國美食,好似小型萬國博覽會。此外,還有包括墨西哥歌謠表演、南美洲同學舞蹈表演等等,甚至有越南同學穿著越南傳統服飾,盛裝參與Multicultural café。
IMBA學生會副會長、Multicultural café主辦人柯嘉比(Gabriela Castro)表示,透過這次活動,可以讓同學們看見各國文化的迥異,例如,雖然是相同的食材,在不同國家卻有不同料理方法。她舉例而言,紅豆在拉丁美洲是一種鹹食料理,在台灣卻是作為一道甜點。
畢業校友高紀光(George)很開心看見現在IMBA在校生同學舉辦Multicultural café,提供一個「深入了解」彼此國家文化的機會與平台,過去他就讀IMBA時,鮮少有類似活動以凸顯同學間的國家特色與文化,無法充分利用「政大IMBA獨特的國際化」。他並且提到,這樣的機會將有助於學弟妹未來在職場上的發展,有助於他們更容易與不同國家與文化的人建立進一步的關係。
雖然非IMBA學生,但受朋友之邀來參與Multicultural café的卡米(Camille)很享受並且喜歡Multicultural café,她更進一步表示,IMBA同學間有強烈的感情聯繫,彷彿像一個大家庭,與華語文中心的課堂氛圍相去甚遠。
下一任IMBA學生會會長龔安亞(Andrea Gonzalez)即將接手明年的Multicultural café,她興奮又緊張的表示,她已經開始期待明年的Multicultural café,並且努力想出更多想法與創意以吸引更多的學生共襄盛舉。
by Tse Chen Chiang (江則臻) / IMBA Campus Reporter
To celebrate the 91st school anniversary, IMBA combined Multicultural café and Alumni Homecoming events together for the first time on May 4. Not only providing the opportunity for IMBA students to prepare their hometown delicacy to their classmates but inviting alumni back to IMBA to have fun with IMBAers.
Being the first to combine the alumni homecoming event this year, which was a totally different way from previous experience. The office of IMBA said that with the purpose of enhancing the networking and improving the relationship between alumni and IMBAers, and increasing the additional value and impact to IMBAers, IMBA hopes to invite more alumni back to participate more events hold by IMBA.
Multicultural café is an annual important event for IMBA hold by IMBA Student Council. It invites all IMBA students to prepare their hometown delicacy and do some traditional performance. Dishes of Vietnam, Turkey, Honduras, Belize and so on were included, it made multicultural café just like a small World Expo. Besides, there were many talent shows performed by IMBAers, such as Mexican song singing, dancing from South American students, and etc. Moreover, student from Vietnam even dressed in Vietnam traditional clothing to participate Multicultural café.
Gabriela Castro, the vice president of IMBA Student Council also the organizer of Multicultural café, hoped that IMBAers could discover the differences between different cultures. For example, as the same food, it might be cooked in various ways in different countries. She illustrates this by taking red bean for instance; red bean is cooked for salty dished in Latin while it is made for a dessert in Taiwan even in Asia.
George, one of the alumni, was delighted that IMBAers now could have such experience of understanding each culture by various perspectives deeply. He recalled that there were few activities like this to show the diversity of each student’s culture when he was an IMBAer. It was a pity not to take advantage of the highly international of NCCU IMBA then. And he also advised IMBAers that the events like Multicultural café could do a lot of favor when doing business, it would help them to build a more closing relationship with people from other countries.
Same with George, Christ, one of the alumni as well, considered that the most impressive for him was the highly international of NCCCU IMBA. He remembered that there were 25 foreign students with 10 countries and 25 Taiwanese students; it was just like small UN. Aside from that, Christ suggested IMBAers to help SME break the frame of family business and lead them stop on global stage by using their own languages skills, mobility and profession, in accordance his 20-year stay in Taiwan.
Although not being an IMBAer, Camille was invited by her friend to attend Multicultural café. She enjoyed it a lot. And she also shared that the connections between IMBAers are so strong that it is like a big family. It is completely different from Chinese Learning Center.
Andrea Gonzalez, the next president of IMBA Student Council and next organizer of Multicultural café, showed her excitement and nervous and she already started to think how to attract more students to participate Multicultural café.