556 2019.09.20
本期電子報 » 活動花絮

IMBA新生訓練 回歸學習初心者


政大IMBA於8月30日至9月1日為即將入學的新生,舉辦為期三天兩夜的「領導與團隊」(Leading and Team Building)營隊。並邀請前台積電人資副總李瑞華教授、企管系胡昌亞教授、國貿系蘇威傑教授及資管系莊皓鈞皆擔任講師,盼能讓同學在正式入學前,找回學習的初心,並思考進入IMBA後的規劃和目標。




來自法國Grenoble Ecole de Management學校的雙聯學位學生白歡悅Claire PARIA對亞洲文化十分著迷,過去亦曾造訪越南及馬來西亞,本次透過學校推薦來到台灣,對於這裡自由民主的氛圍,以及開放的教育環境相當讚賞,尤其在親身遊歷台北後,更是驚艷於便利的生活環境以及交通,也更期待接下來在政大求學的日子,能發掘更多台灣以及亞洲文化不一樣的面貌。

任職於金融業的台灣同學吳啟陽Brandon Wu表示,為了要提升自己的領導力而來到IMBA,沒想到在這三天兩夜的論壇中,就體驗到前所未有的授課方式,即便一開始對於教授的用意一知半解,但在引導式問答並和同學腦力激盪後,終於體會箇中奧妙。他也期盼在IMBA的日子,能進一步磨練自己的領導、溝通以及語言能力,盼能成為全方位的人才。




IMBA Crash Course Kicks Off. Leadership and Team Building Camp Redefines What Is “Learning” For All Newcomers!


The International Master of Business Administration Program (IMBA) held the “Leadership and Team Building Camp” at Dongshan Township, Yilan County from August 30th to September 2nd. This year, IMBA has invited former Vice President of Human Resource Department of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) Professor Swee-Huat Lee, Department of Business Administration Professor Chang-Ya Hu, Department of International Business Professor Wei-Chieh Su, and Department of Management Information Systems Professor Howard Chuang as lecturers. The camp consisted of a variety of activities, in guidance for students to get accustomed to the teaching methods, get the overall sense of learning back, and get inspired to preplan their study life during their stay.


In order to build chemistry between new students, as well as to give a run-down of the teaching they are to receive in the near future, IMBA has been holding the Leadership and Team Building Camp every year, bringing students from different cultural, lingual backgrounds together. Here in the nice, serene countryside of Yilan, students can fully experience the courses IMBA provides.


The newly-appointed Director of IMBA, Professor Vincent Chen, spoke of the efforts IMBA put into its program to open the gateway between Taiwan and the international society. IMBA has been recruiting students worldwide, not only in search of people with enthusiasm and diligence in learning, but also students who has outstanding international view. With that being said, IMBA has always encouraged students taken into the program to keep an open mind, step out of the comfort zone, and learn to cooperate within a multicultural team, because by doing so, it will help them develop the needed long-term vision and abilities to become a great leader.


One of the speakers, Prof. Swee-Huat Lee (current full-time faculty of IMBA) remarked that people have been learning their whole lives, without giving thought to “what” learning is, or “how” we should learn. Through his lecture, he expects the students to reflect on their goals through debate and discussion, and find their passion in learning. Eventually, Lee says that he aims in reaching the goal of turning information into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom.


Claire Paria (白歡悅) , from France, is currently taking a dual degree in Grenoble Ecole de Management. Claire, being keenly interested in Asian culture, said that she had visited many Asian countries including Vietnam and Malaysia. The first impression she got from Taiwan was how free and open it is, both socially and politically. In addition, she mentioned that she was impressed by how convenient life in Taipei is, with public transportation systems and convenience stores all over the city. Lastly, she expects to learn more of Asian/Chinese culture and acquire the skills she will need to face the challenges her future work throws her way.


Brandon Wu (吳啟陽) is a local student who works in the financial sector, and he applied the program to advance his leading skills as well as the management aspects of his profession. “The way the teacher taught the course was very interesting, unlike what I have been familiar with.” Through the guidance of the speakers, Brandon’s group had great chemistry, and after the courses, he now understands what the professors were trying to teach. To conclude his thought, Brandon said that he looks forward to hone his communication skills and leadership here, and learn to become an astonishing leader.


IMBA has worked hard in achieving its goals, stimulating academic and business interactions through exchange programs. Nevertheless, the program has higher expectations and visions. IMBA members regard each other like family, and this relation can extend even after the students have graduated. Relations keep intact, and support each other even outside of school. By forming a firm alumni system, graduates and the program have a very close interaction. To conclude, IMBA is consistently self-improving, sharing resource and information with the best in the field. The program has established an international network over the years, and the virtuous cycle continues to strive strongly into the future.

IMBA執行長陳宇紳表示,IMBA致力成為台灣與國際交流的窗口,盼同學們能敞開心胸,學習和跨文化的團隊溝通合作。 IMBA Director Vincent Chen stated, IMBA str
領導與團隊合作旨在打破傳統課堂單向教學的藩籬,由教授引導同學互動討論。 Leadership and Team Building Intends to break the barrier of con
前台積電人資副總李瑞華,期許同學找回學習的初心。 Former Vice President of Human resource department TSMC, Prof Swee-Huat Lee
為期三天兩夜的課程,為全體IMBA新生帶來全新的學習思維與難忘體驗。 (Group photo) The three-day camp has brought a whole new unde
2019 IMBA Student Welcome and Orientation Day
政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


