▋美商德州儀器 Texas Instruments 財務暨營運部 線上徵才說明會
▪ 招募職位:2021年暑期實習&2021正職輪調計畫
▪ 適合背景:
▪ 線上徵才說明會時間:11/26(四)及11/27(五)12:00-13:00 [報名截止:11/23(一)]
欲參加者請填寫本報名表 (https://www.surveycake.com/s/QmBRR),資格符合者將收到線上說明會連結
▋ About Texas Instruments
As a global semiconductor company operating in 35 countries, Texas Instruments (TI) is first and foremost a reflection of its people. From the TIer who unveiled the first working integrated circuit in 1958 to the more than 30,000 TIers around the world today who design, manufacture and sell analog and embedded processing chips, we are problem-solvers collaborating to change the world through technology. Put your talent to work with us – change the world, love your job!
▋ About the Job
As a person fresh out of college, making an immediate impact in the real world is probably at the top of your priority list. For graduates with finance, accounting, supply chain, industrial engineering or operations degrees, we’ve designed a job rotation program just for you! This is a unique opportunity to develop valuable skills in a collaborative environment that will put you in direct contact with key finance and business leaders across TI. And, you’ll receive customized coaching and training along the way. As a member of one of TI’s finance and operations teams, you’ll be well positioned for a long and successful career where you’ll be inspired to innovate, collaborate and make a true impact.