612 2021.06.11
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【額滿為止】知之有限公司-Accounting Associate


1. Voucher/ certificate printing and filing

2. Manual payment preparation and issuing check

3. Answer payment-related questions from employees

4. Petty cash management

5. Write off payments after cash paid

6. Agreement review

7. Office equipment maintain

8. Other admin works from Local



  • Familiar with Taiwan tax and related law
  • High proficiency in MS Excel
  • Experience in-house accounting or CPA (including intern experience)

工作地點:台北市信義區基隆路一段200號9F-1 (距捷運市政府站300公尺)



★健康保險:勞保、健保、勞工退休金 6% 提撥
★娛樂福利:團隊 team building 活動、零食、咖啡







學生可於Snapask平台上透過「實時問答」獲得即時功課輔導或「模擬測驗」定期作針對性操練。團隊期望個人化服務能更有效解決每位學生的學習難題,同時建立更仔細的個人學習能力分佈檔案,協助同學充分掌握自己的專長,主導自己的學習方向,重拾學習的樂趣。時至今日,Snapask 廣受中學生歡迎, 即時教學服務亦推廣至台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、日本、韓國等市場。現時已有超過上百萬名學生曾經接受來自35萬名合格導師的即時支援。



1. Responsible, so we can count of you and same vice versa.

Responsibility with flexibility, if you want flexibility at work, you should always make sure you perform at best on all your responsibilities. Being responsible also means you understand your team mates are relying on your best judgement on your decisions.


2. Effective, so things got done, and positive impact is made.

Effectiveness with quality, make sure what you are doing is scalable, transferrable, and most importantly, solving the core problem. Being effective does not only mean bringing results, being cost, time, and energy- effective is what makes the company competitive and performs always at best.


3. Self-aware, so one could always learn and improve.

Humility is to be self-aware and respectful. Do not assume you are right, always listen and constructively offer helpful feedback to others, so you can improve and help others to improve. Respectfulness comes first in all conversations, even when making a strong justified point.


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政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


