613 2021.09.17
本期電子報 » 活動預告

【報名截止日09月19日】2021 Citi APAC Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS) Case Competition

Are you an outside of the box thinker? 

Or enjoy solving creative problems? 

Register for Citi’s APAC Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS) Case Competition today! 


Regional finalists will get the opportunity to present their case to a panel of senior representatives, and be invited to a fast-tracked final round interview for their selected country Summer Analyst program.

Team submissions for the Case Competition will close on Sunday 19th September. We strongly encourage early applications!


▌Eligibility ▌

  • You are an Undergraduate/Master's student (or MBA student for India), studying in any discipline, looking for a chance to join our 2022 TTS Summer Analyst Program (internship).
  • Your graduation date is between December 2022 - June 2023.
  • Minimum GPA 3.3 or equivalent preferred.


▌Registration ▌

  • Register in teams of 2-3 members and select 1 location* your team would like to join for this competition. (Philippines only - We would consider application without a team. You could be assigned a team by Citi.)
  • Only the team leader will be required to enroll with the link of this competition.
  • Team leader please also send an email with the subject title 'Citi APAC 2021 TTS Case Competition' to asia.graduate.recruitment@citi.com including: 1) name of the team, 2) full names and application emails of all members, 3) updated CVs and 4) the location* your team would like to join for this competition.
  • At Citi we value diversity as we know that it will improve performance and boost innovation and engagement. Teams with members from different gender and background will be prioritized.
  • To be eligible for this competition, all team members must apply to Citi 2022 TTS Summer Analyst Program - same country as the application for this case competition. To search and apply for 2022 TTS Summer Internship Programs, please click here.
  • Successful teams at application for will be notified via email by end of September.


▌What To Expect ▌

  • There will be 3 rounds of competition. Teams selected for the regional final round will represent their country of application to present their work to the Regional TTS Senior Leadership Panel.

This event offers a unique chance to win a prize!


Top 3 teams - fast track# to final round interview for the 2022 TTS Summer Analyst Program, a VIP meet & greet session with the APAC TTS Senior Leadership Panel and a mentoring session with HR.

Teams progressed to the Regional Final - fast track# to first round interview for 2022 TTS Summer Analyst Program, a VIP meet & greet session with a Senior TTS Business Leader.

All teams participating in the final round will receive a certificate of completion for the Case Competition!


Enroll now! Application Deadline: 23:59 SGT on Sunday, 19 Sept 2021 - https://bit.ly/3BsA2eH

All participating countries except Philippines - click here

Philippines - click here


Important Notes:

* Teams can apply to only one of the listed locations based on their preference and work eligibility, in order to be considered for the 2021 APAC TTS Case Competition Event as well as for the 2022 TTS Summer Analyst Program.

We will not be able to consider applications for multiple countries.

# Fast track is only applicable to the country that the team has applied for in this competition.


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