613 2021.09.17
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【額滿為止】台灣新蛋股份有限公司跨境電商招商團隊-網站企劃實習生(Cross Border Website Project Intern)

= We welcome YOU who are passionate about cross-border e-commerce, motivated, creative, and have team spirit! =


Intern Plan:

  • Participate in the planning, creative thinking and discussion of seller website re-design project
  • Renew website Index into more informative and fit with Sellers' needs
  • Deliver results with weekly tracking metrics
  • Knowledge of GA and SEO, the tools about marketing
  • Expected start time: Nov., 2021.



  • Senior university student or graduate school students.
  • The internship period is at least 6 months, working 3~5 days a week.
  • Skillful at PowerPoint and presentation.
  • Proficient English and capable with translation into Chinese; TOEIC, English test proven record and work Portfolio is preferred.
  • Had experience in website building is preferred.


工作地點:台北市內湖區瑞光路513巷31號10樓 (距捷運西湖站410公尺)




◆ 此職缺非寒、暑假實習職缺,若時間無法配合或找寒暑假實習者,請勿投遞!


【額滿為止】Ernst & Young 安永聯合會計師事務所-安永諮詢服務正職、實習熱烈招聘中
【額滿為止】Taiwan Ratings 中華信用評等-Research Assistant徵才
【額滿為止】聯發科技 x CakeResume 2021 AI大徵才,活動起跑!
【09月24日截止】經濟部「數位青年轉型種子賦能計畫」─ 《T大使計畫》第二梯次加開報名中!
【10月12日截止】「2022 海尼根亞太區跨國儲備幹部計畫」開放申請!快準備好你的履歷,把握機會投遞!
【額滿為止】資誠聯合會計師事務所-審計/稅務/風險控制 Associate
【10月28日截止】蝦皮儲備幹部計劃(Global Leaders Program)正式開放投遞
【10月31日截止】TSMC台積電預辦登積計畫-2022 預聘暨研發替代役徵才!
【12月31日截止】Guy Carpenter 美商佳達再保險經紀人股份有限公司台灣分公司徵才!
【11月21日截止】2022 Citi TTS Summer Internship
政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


