618 2021.10.29
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【11月21日截止】2022花旗銀行暑期實習&儲備主管計畫(Citi Campus Programs) 

Join Citi and develop skills for global leadership with training and experiential learning opportunities in an inclusive culture of fairness.

In the Citi Campus Full-Time & Summer Programs, graduates and interns help us make progress happen, by working across a broad range of business divisions in all of the regions. Citi is more than interested in connecting with the most talented and ambitious people, irrespective of what stage if their studies they have reached.




Summer Analyst Program

  • 10-week project-based assignment over the summer
  • Intensive trainings, social events, and professional experience
  • Opportunities to be offered to join the full time program at the end of the internship


Full-Time Analyst Program

  • 24-30 months of well-structured and development-focused rotations
  • Solid on-the-job training & comprehensive training programs
  • Networking activities, coaching/mentoring and buddy support 



  • Summer Analyst - Penultimate year students graduating in Dec 2022 to June 2023
  • Full-Time Analyst - Fresh Undergraduate and Master's Graduates



Visit oncampus.citi.com and complete applications with English & Chinese CVs


Application Deadline: Sunday, November 21, 2021


Register here to join the events: https://reurl.cc/NZRmrk

Email us at TaiwanCampusProgram@citi.com for event registration or any inquiries


【額滿為止】Kantar Taiwan 模範市場研究公司 - 研究專員、研究實習生招募
【額滿為止】Uber Eats 實習生招募中!
【額滿為止】Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd-Strategic Investments實習招募中!
【額滿為止】UG Investment -Trader
【額滿為止】資誠聯合會計師事務所-審計/稅務/風險控制 Associate
【額滿為止】Taiwan Ratings 中華信用評等-Research Assistant徵才
【額滿為止】LINE Taiwan 台灣連線股份有限公司徵才中!
【額滿為止】上緯新能源-會計助理(Part time)
【額滿為止】Ernst & Young 安永聯合會計師事務所-安永諮詢服務正職、實習熱烈招聘中
【10月31日截止】TSMC台積電預辦登積計畫-2022 預聘暨研發替代役徵才!
【12月31日截止】Guy Carpenter 美商佳達再保險經紀人股份有限公司台灣分公司徵才!
【11月07日截止】凱基證券2022 YouLead (YOUth LEADership)儲備幹部計畫開跑
【11月12日截止】安永聯合會計師事務所 - 2022旺季實習開放申請
【11月21日截止】2022 Citi TTS Summer Internship
【3月底截止】2022 台新金控儲備菁英MA熱烈招募中!
政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


