619 2021.11.05
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【額滿為止】Taiwan Ratings 中華信用評等-Research Assistant徵才

職務名稱:Research Assistant (C&G ratings)



1. The position will mainly provide services in spreadsheet input based on financial report of issuers, validate the financials with issuers, and complete the selective database.

2. The position will also help in collection and preliminary digestion on analysis-supporting information and statistics from clients and market, in a way to provide solid foundation of our analysis.

3. The position will also assist in basic analysis job for analysts and conduct credit estimate assignments. In addition, this position is created to mitigate the potential risk of analyst turnover, and efficiently reduce the cost and time for training the potential candidate to become an analyst, as the candidate also needs to pass S&P’s analyst certification.

4. The position will be exposed to financial services and corp. exposure, depending on the capacity and learning curve. We target the candidate should be able to pass one advanced exam in either FI or Insurance as well as advanced exam in Corp. practice in 2 years.


Basic Qualifications:

1. At least 1 years' experience in credit analysis or financial analysis.

2. Bachelor Degree and at least 1 years of work experience in financial analysis or related field.

3. Good communication skill and fluent in English (TOEIC: 700+).

4. Able to work independently and communicate with external stakeholders.

5. The incumbent should have good time management skills and the ability to work under pressure or short deadline.

6. Capability to develop cross-team skills with financial services ratings as foundation.

7. Highly proficient in Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint.


Preferred Qualifications:

1. A plus with financial/credit analysis experience in the financial services or corporate sector over 2 years.

2. A plus with CFA or CFA candidate.



薪資福利:NTD33,000~36,000 *around 18 months




The Team:

The Financial Services Ratings Dept. is the organizational unit responsible for conduct rating analytics in financial services sector.


The team rate and conducts surveillance on issuer and issue credit ratings for banks, non-bank financial institutions, insurers, and financial holding companies.


The Impact:

We are looking for a candidate who can behave as research assistant to support the analytical work on rated issuers.


What's in it for you:

We expect the role will spend 2 month to learn spreadsheet input and database update for all financial services ratings department. He/She will also perform the daily new update, criteria checklist, and pick up the credit estimates support after appropriate training.


Taiwan Ratings Corp.

Taiwan Ratings Corp. (TRC), the first credit rating agency in Taiwan, is a leading provider of financial market intelligence in Taiwan and through its association with S&P Global Ratings facilitates the dissemination of first-rate financial news coverage and analysis across the global market. TRC offers an unparalleled range of objective and independent information, critical thinking, opinions, news and data on local companies and markets, as well as their interconnectivity with international companies and markets.


As a subsidiary of internationally renowned credit rating agency S&P Global Ratings, we are proud to play an integral role supporting the world's leading source of credit ratings, indices, investment research, risk evaluation and data to assist global financial planners in accessing the information they require for competent decision making.




S&P Global Ratings


S&P Global Ratings is the world’s leading provider of independent credit ratings. Our ratings are essential to driving growth, providing transparency and helping educate market participants so they can make decisions with confidence. We have more than 1 million credit ratings outstanding on government, corporate, financial sector and structured finance entities and securities. We offer an independent view of the market built on a unique combination of broad perspective and local insight. We provide our opinions and research about relative credit risk; market participants gain independent information to help support the growth of transparent, liquid debt markets worldwide.


S&P Global Ratings is a division of S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI), which provides essential intelligence for individuals, companies and governments to make decisions with confidence. For more information, visit www.spglobal.com/ratings.


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