619 2021.11.05
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【額滿為止】UG Investment -Trader



1. Passion for investment.

2. Basic financial & accounting knowledge.

3. Responsible; able to bear up under high pressure; interested in learning new skills and taking challenges; and willing to work overtime when necessary.

4. Preference will be given to applicants with experience trading equities or futures, and experience under English-speaking background

5. Exam will be required before getting the interview opportunity

6. Working experience below 2 years preferred

工作內容Job Description:

1.Working with team members for timely and high-quality execution for multi-managers. Primary responsibilities will involve trading across equity, futures, equity derivatives, and FX.

2. Communicating with counterparties to negotiate trade terms and get market info.


薪資福利Salary:年薪NTD 800,000 ~ 2,000,000元 ~

申請方式Application:履歷請投遞至以下email: ughr@ugfunds.com



公司介紹About Company


Established in 1998, UG Investment Advisers Ltd., currently registered under US SEC, is a pioneer in the Greater China hedge fund industry with company net equity of USD 2.1bn and currently holds USD 3.8bn in assets under management.

In 2003, UG was among the first funds to invest in China A shares via the Chinese QFII program, distinguishing itself from the bulk of its Hong Kong-focused peers.

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