公司名稱:比利時商裕利安宜產物保險公司 Euler Hermes(安聯貿易Allianz Trade)
■ 公司地點:台北市大安區敦化南路二段號39號8樓A室(距捷運信義安和站走路5分鐘)
■ 實習期間:2022年6月~2023年6月(請先確認可以實習一年再投遞履歷)
■ 實習天數:一週至少15小時 (時間可以彈性調整)
■ 薪資待遇:時薪170元起
■ 適用對象:大三或大四學生
■ 工作內容:行政工作及其他交辦事項、日常報表及檔卷整理
■ 應徵條件:英文讀寫佳、擅長Office作業
■ 履歷表格式:無制式格式
■ 繳交方式:將履歷PDF電子檔寄至 &
■ Supporting Marketing Management and Commercial Distribution team in trade credit insurance business
■ Preparing and creating for all KYC and policy renewal reports
■ Supporting the administrative tasks with other departments
■ Answering the operational inquiries from clients
■ Contacting fronters and brokers for market and business information
■ Quality and customer focus oriented
■ Great English and Chinese written skills
■ Self-motivated and willing to continuously learn and develop
■ Ability to prioritize, adapt to change and work independently
■ Team oriented working attitude and intercultural understanding
■ High proficiency in Microsoft Office (especially Excel)
■ Duration: 12 months (2022/6~2023/6)