643 2022.09.30
本期電子報 » 活動預告


2022 Citi APAC Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS) Case Competition


Are you interested in providing strategic solutions , analyzing data and possess an innovative / outside-of- the -box mindset?

We are looking for the brightest minds with strong commercial awareness to take on a multi-tier Case competition challenge this year as Citi TTS Business continues to revolutionize the seamless digital finance landscape for our clients.

Get an opportunity to present your emerging digital case solutions to a panel of senior representatives. The winners will also be invited to a fast-tracked final interview for their selected country Summer Analyst Program for 2023.

Team submissions (minimum of 2 members, maximum of 4 members) for the Case Competition will close on Sunday, 16 October 2022. We strongly encourage early applications.

Make this opportunity yours!!


**Important Note: Teams can apply to ONLY ONE country location based on their preference and work eligibility, in order to be considered for the 2022 APAC TTS Case Competition Event as well as for the 2023 TTS Summer Analyst Program. We will not be able to consider applications for multiple countries. Teams with members from different gender background will be prioritized.


 Apply to the 2023 Summer Internship here: https://jobs.citi.com/job/taipei/treasury-and-trade-solutions-2023-summer-analyst-taiwan/287/33876264400


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