643 2022.09.30
本期電子報 » 活動預告

【10月11日】J.P. Morgan-Asset Management –Taiwan Client Advisor Trainee

J.P. Morgan Asset Management provides first-class investment solutions to help our clients pursue their financial objectives. Through strong long-term performance and client-centric strategy, we keep growing as a leading asset manager in the world.


This is your time to shine. Apply for the Taiwan Client Advisor Trainee. You will gain deep understanding about asset management industry in Taiwan and receive mentorship from senior leaders and experts. If you are passionate about making a contribution in the world of finance, it is your best opportunity to do so.


Before applying for the position, we strongly recommend you attend our Information Session. During the session, you will have an opportunity to speak with our senior executives directly and learn more about the Client Advisor Trainee position.


■ Date: 13th October 2022

■ Time: 12.00 p.m. – 1.30 p.m. 

■ Venue: Taipei (In-person)/ Zoom

*Details to be provided after registration


To find out more about the position, register for the Information Session by 11th October 2022.

■ Register(in-person):https://jpmc.recsolu.com/app/collect/event/esAhWqyDERV3lpFNMswbrg

■ Register(Zoom):https://jpmc.recsolu.com/app/collect/event/qQWC8sTyioGiR5caGaCVig


Application to the 2023 Taiwan Client Advisor Trainee is now open till 4th November 2022.

■ APPLY:https://bit.ly/3BST6EP



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