572 2020.03.13
本期電子報 » 職缺公告

【03月22日截止】COCA-COLA太古可樂 Management Trainee Program


【Management Trainee Program】

Swire Coca-Cola, a leading soft-drink company in Taiwan, is now pursuing future leaders-Management Trainee-who exhibit strong ambition, networking ability, and learning agility to work with us. Here is a great place for you to make your goal & dream come true, if you are looking for a leadership opportunity.


【Program Feature – Sales & Marketing or Logistic】


Management Trainees(MTs) will be rotated to different business functions during our 2.5 years MT Program to equip each trainee with strong business acumen and solid experience. Strong supporting mechanisms-mentoring, business assignments, placement review-will ensure the targets achieved. It is expected that MTs will reach management level by Year 4 or 5, and the executive level in the next 10 years.


【How to Apply】


  • Recruitment Schedule

1. CV submission by 3/22(Sun.)

2. Phone Interview: 4/8(Wed.)~4/14(Tu.)

3. Assessment Center: 4/23(Thur.)

4. Final Presentation: 5/8(Fri.) or 5/15(Fri.)

5. On-board: 7/1.


【About Us】


【額滿為止】 KPMG-審計員/高級審計員/主任徵才中!
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政大商學院 |  商學院職涯發展與媒合平台 |  OSAAS 粉絲團


