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想知道更多2023 CMT Program企業人才儲備計劃資訊與學長姐職場經驗分享?
■ 活動日期: 2022/12/08(四)12:20 - 13:50
■ 活動地點:商學院6F元大講堂
■ 立即報名:https://bit.ly/3hub0at
怡和餐飲集團為英屬外商怡和集團成員之一,更是亞洲領先的餐飲集團之一,旗下經營品牌包括 KFC 肯德基、Pizza Hut 必勝客及 PHD,業務遍佈香港、澳門、緬甸、台灣及越南。怡和餐飲集團營運超過 940 家分店,旗下 25,000 多名員工擁抱多元共融,每天均以熱誠與顧客分享美食帶來的簡單喜悅。多年來,怡和餐飲集團不斷力求進步,致力推動人才、創新、協作及可持續發展。
【2023 Corporate Management Trainee企業人才儲備計劃說明】
What you'll do:
■ Frontline store training (3 months)
An opportunity to familiarize yourself with the foundations of our business, products and operations to understand the Frontline store process in an Asia leading restaurant group.
■ Rotations within the business function of your interest (18 months)
A chance to immerse yourself in the area of your interest, and deepen your knowledge and skills with rotations across teams of your chosen business function, including
- Marketing
- Digital Operation
- Supply Chain Management
- Finance
-Human Resource
■ Overseas assignment (3 months)
Working in an Asia leading restaurant group, you can not only broaden your business horizon to region, but also engage in multi-brand projects. It will be a precious opportunity to cooperate with regional trainees form different Asia countries and drive initiatives on regional projects.