561 2019.10.25
本期電子報 » 活動花絮

First Kick Off Event of the IMBA Dragon Club, Training Session is On!

Taking part into dragon boat competition during the Dragon Boat Festival, or also called the Tuen Ng Festival (端午節) in some Asian countries is one of the traditional IMBA family event every year. It is important because in this multicultural family, no matter the nationalities are different, mindset may not be the same, all IMBAers are welcome to enjoy the traditional Chinese culture in Taiwan. 

This year, the organization of Dragon Boat Team (DBT) is responsible by a new club under IMBA Student Council, The Dragon Club. The president or the super captain is a second year IMBA student, Jim Lai from Taiwan. Normally the practising period will be around two months before the competition (the Dragon Boat Festival is in May). While this year was started one semester earlier, why? Jim explained, “When you want to achieve a goal, prepare the earlier the better.” He then added, “As a business school student, I am executing the theories I learnt from the Program.”  In term of organizing talents with different personalities and find the harmony to make a beauty concerto; the chance to implement marketing, promoting, financing and strategy management such as identifying the critical issue why people are not interested in, even afraid of joining DBT. He also expressed his pity on the suspension of joining the year 2019 dragon boat competition due to the crash on class schedule. As the team leader, he wanted to create a strong bond between the team as he aimed for medal. Earlier the training was started, a well-prepared team would be presented. He further said, “I love sport, and I am dreaming to work in a field related to sport. This opportunity can be a trial test and exam for me, see whether I can handle it well or not.” We should say it is a correct choice to let Jim in charge of this position.

The first kick off event was held on 20th October – the first dragon boat training session. The practice started at 10am in Da-Jia River Park (大佳河濱公園), Taipei City, a free venue for public to use upon booking. After warm-up exercises, the coach demonstrated how to hold and control the paddle and rafting postures. Then all the people moved to the practising pool to taste the feeling of rafting with water. The coach and her assistant helped to refine the postures. They also emphasized the most important thing was the team rafting in the same rhythm. She reminded, other than focusing the teammate at the front, you needed to work as a pair with the one next to you as well. After a few rounds of practising, people were making progress from the pinpoint advices from the coach and she was so encouraging when people were improving. The first training session ended with 50 times paddle-rafting exercise and applauses from the team. Everybody was looking forward to the day that could be trained on the river.

The post-training is well-planned as well. People are divided into mini teams of three for self-training, mixing different genders, nationalities and batches. There are two kinds of team, Golden Dragon and Joy Dragon for participants who want to join public competition and enjoy the DGT event respectively. The former requires more training hours especially during April to June in year 2020 and the later to join half day dragon boat experience tour as well as being cheerleaders during the competition. On coming 21st – 25th November, from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, there will be a DBT Fundraising Event at NCCU sidewalk opposite to the McDonald’s to sell delicious Tiramisu. The fund raised will be used for the expenses of the DBT. Therefore, please actively promote the event and support the Dragon Boat Team with hashtags #IMBA_DBT #IMBA_DragonBoatTeam!

Dragon Boat 101. The coach was so patient and professional.

It was all about cooperation and rhythm to be a real team to win!

Enjoy sport and Chinese culture no matter where you are from.

Sport must be ended with delicious food and gathering. This is a part of IMBA life.


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