
Blackmores Group is an ASX 200 publicly-listed company employing 1400 people in 12 markets across Asia-Pacific.

Since being founded by pioneering naturopath Maurice Blackmore in 1932, we’ve been connecting people to the healing power of nature and giving them the choice to make living well each day a natural way of life.

We combine our knowledge of nature and science to deliver quality solutions to bring wellness to people and their pets everywhere, every day. In 2020 we were awarded Australia’s Most Trusted Brand for vitamins and supplements for the 12th year running

At Blackmores Group, we never compromise on quality, always placing the health and safety of our consumers at the heart of our business. We use premium ingredients from around the world, with products made to strict Australian manufacturing standards and more than 30 rigorous quality checks

Recognising that you can’t have healthy people without a healthy planet, we’re strongly committed to embedding sustainability across our business and giving back to the communities in which we operate.

Blackmores Group headquarters and production facility is located at Warriewood on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and our Asia regional head office is located in Singapore.

